25 December 2006

Guy-friend, Boyfriend

"Pang-Hae Ka Woo Cuk Ke Tik-Tor?" Grandma asked in Teochew.
[Translation: "Did you go anywhere this school holiday?"]

I replied, "Woo."

"Ke Dee Kor?"
["Where did you go?"]

"Macau," I told her.

"Cek Gai Nang Ke?" she interrogated.
["You went alone?"]

"Ga Peng-You."
["With a friend."]

"Zha-Bow Peng-You Ah See Da-Bou Peng-You?" she pressed.
["Girlfriend or guy-friend?"]

"Da-Bou Peng-You."

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This blog is a diary originally published on Fridae, the gay asian portal. It started out as little rants about my relationship. However when some Fridae members wrote expressing sympathy towards my seemingly disastrous relationship, I realised that I had been writing only at the times when my relationship was at low points. In an attempt to record a fuller picture of my relationship, I have been recording other emotions (apart from frustrations) we have encountered.