Reflections After A Wedding
I had just attended a colleague's wedding.
"How was the wedding?" the boy's sms said.
"Charming," I replied, "Almost makes you want to get married yourself."
"LOL," the boy responded.
My grandmother is in her late eighties. In a subtle way, she always tried to find out about my relationship status. And I always tried to tell her the truth, albeit in a subtle way.
Some may wonder why she needs to be subtle, afterall as a grandmother, she could nag at me to get married as most other grandmothers do. Fortunately for me, as the eldest grandson, I have been enjoying the privilege of always getting my way with her so she doesn't contradict me very much. Furthermore, she knows that if she nags at me, I would switch from the pleasant, filial grandson into a stubborn, defiant, spoilt brat. Thus I have been spared from such conflicts.
Others may suggest for me to come out to her. That's an idea. Though I wonder how she might take that. I certainly don't want to be the one responsible for making her pass out from shock or disappointment that I'll never get married. At her age, who knows what might happen.
Yet, I wonder how she and the rest of my family members would react if I should announce one day that I was getting married... to another man. For some reason, the possible reactions excite me greatly. Almost makes you want to get married yourself.