10 August 2009
15 July 2008
Mixed Feelings
Like facial age lines, silently they creep into you, causing no big commotion yet surely they leave their marks. Perhaps the comfort of routine, weekend after weekend, pass without us keeping track or making any effort to justify the relationship, allowed it. Perhaps the distractions of work and the need for life to be more exciting excused it. And we find ourselves familiar with each other yet at the same time strange to any feelings of romance.
Is it enough for us to be best friends to each other?
I can't bring myself to end it. Yet, surely this isn't a romantic relationship anymore? Do other couples allow themselves to live thus?
Then again. There isn't any real reason to end it. Except for the utterly predictable patterns and answers in our lives.
But it continues. Without direction. Where else can this go? Where is the next level?
Posted by
1:24 am
Labels: disagreements, relationships
02 December 2007
Mocca And The Taxi Driver
Changing into my gym gear, I stole a glance at the only other person in the men's changing room. He was quite a big guy, resembling the bodybuilder in the I-selling-my-house-at-Mocca.com advertisement, except that he allowed his thinning hair to dangle sparsely above his shoulders.
Another one entered. Mocca's face lit up with recognition, smiled and nodded a greeting. The other nodded in return.
"How's the taxi?" Mocca asked.
"Fed up!" fumed the taxi driver.
"How come?" enquired Mocca.
"I was waiting for a passenger near an office building. My passenger was late but the appointed pick-up point was at the side of the building. No parking was allowed there but I decided to wait for a while as an ang-moh had his BMW parked in front of me, apparently also waiting for someone.
Soon the building's security guard approached. He ignored the ang-moh but motioned for me to move my vehicle. I pointed at the ang-moh's BMW indignantly but it was in vain; the security guard persisted in waving me away. Luckily, my passenger appeared just in time and a conflict was avoided."
"People just don't respect taxi drivers," sighed the taxi driver.
I caught sight of Mocca shaking his head sympathetically as I left the changing room.
Posted by
5:32 pm
06 September 2007
Our Gay Agenda
Finally! You have an off day tomorrow! This is what we will do:
- Sleep till 10 AM.
- Drive to Tanjong Pagar where we will have brunch. I really miss the Nasi Lemak at the Tanjong Pagar hawker centre.
- You need to buy some computer parts to repair your nephew's computer so we will need to make a trip to Sim Lim Square.
- Come home and bathe the dogs.
- Rest a bit before making our way to the gym.
- Meet mother for dinner.
- Send mother back home.
- Come home.
Posted by
9:08 pm
Labels: food, relationships, Singapore
23 June 2007
Reflections After A Wedding
I had just attended a colleague's wedding.
"How was the wedding?" the boy's sms said.
"Charming," I replied, "Almost makes you want to get married yourself."
"LOL," the boy responded.
My grandmother is in her late eighties. In a subtle way, she always tried to find out about my relationship status. And I always tried to tell her the truth, albeit in a subtle way.
Some may wonder why she needs to be subtle, afterall as a grandmother, she could nag at me to get married as most other grandmothers do. Fortunately for me, as the eldest grandson, I have been enjoying the privilege of always getting my way with her so she doesn't contradict me very much. Furthermore, she knows that if she nags at me, I would switch from the pleasant, filial grandson into a stubborn, defiant, spoilt brat. Thus I have been spared from such conflicts.
Others may suggest for me to come out to her. That's an idea. Though I wonder how she might take that. I certainly don't want to be the one responsible for making her pass out from shock or disappointment that I'll never get married. At her age, who knows what might happen.
Yet, I wonder how she and the rest of my family members would react if I should announce one day that I was getting married... to another man. For some reason, the possible reactions excite me greatly. Almost makes you want to get married yourself.
Posted by
5:34 pm
Labels: celebrations, people